I got this email from Ross Beyeler, who represents Cwerty, a website that sells videos of interviews with business leaders:

Hi Tiara,

I am writing you to discuss the opportunity for you to become an affiliate for Cwerty.com. I think your readers at Wanna Be A KP would find the video series Cwerty.com features of interviews with entrepreneurs and successful business leaders interesting and inspiring. Let me explain some more:

The iTunes of business and leadership videos, Cwerty.com offers short, compelling, and relevant videos help educate individuals from all types of organizations about important business principals and best practices. Customers can purchase one or many videos, create personal video collections, and share them with their friends and colleagues for 99 cents each.

Program Highlights include a 25% commission on all sales, a 90 day tracking cookie, a $30 average transaction value, and dedicated affiliate management through Acceleration Partners . We also offer custom and product links and payments are made monthly through our program administrator, Share a Sale. To enroll in our program, please visit http://www.shareasale.com/r.cfm?u=212907&b=40&m=47&afftrack=&urllink=www%2Eshareasale%2Ecom%2Fshareasale%2Ecfm%3FmerchantID%3D13741 or for more information visit our affiliate page at http://cwerty.com/affiliate/. The affiliate banners are as easy to add to your website as Google Adsense or Amazon’s Associate program.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Best Regards,
Ross Beyeler
Cwerty: wisdom on demand
Affiliate Marketing Manager

Firstly: my first PR email for WBAKP! Yay! XD

I used to get semi-regular PR email that was rather spammy for EducateDeviate (it was obvious that they never even bothered to look at the website), but at least that had an excuse – a large portion of that blog is for promoting related events and opportunities. I was surprised to get an email for this blog, as it doesn’t really have a large audience and I’m not sure I’d be the best affiliate. I can’t even put Javascript on WP.COM blogs, so codes are out of the question.

I Googled the company and they seem legit; they’ve got big names like Anita Roddick in their video list. It sounds like something the KaosPilots crew might be interested in. Seth Godin, who’s usually respected in the blogging world, has plugged them before. Haven’t found anyone saying “OMG CWERTY IS SPAM”, so I’m guessing that Ross did genuinely think my blog would be a good affiliate.

What do you think, people? Have you heard of Cwerty? Would it be worth it for me to join their affiliate program? It could help me earn some pocket money for my KP trip, but I’m still not sure what I’m meant to do an an affiliate. Are there any similar Web-based programs that could be of use to me?